15 intrepid souls jump into the mud for multiple sclerosis

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15 intrepid souls jump into the mud for multiple sclerosis
Five kilometres and 20 obstacles through the mud, that’s what 15 staff members have overcome in order to do their part for multiple sclerosis!

It gave us great pleasure to take the leap and form a team to participate in the Total Bouette Estrie 2015 for the very first time this year. Total Bouette is a 5-kilometre course filled with 20 obstacles, where participants are forced into teamwork in order to reach the finish line!

Profits generated by the event go to finance research on multiple sclerosis. The main goals of research are to find the cause and the cure for MS, to find ways to repair the damage to the nervous system done by MS, and to bring support to people living with MS.

Multiple Sclerosis is …
“An auto-immune disease which strikes the central nervous system, including the brain and the spinal cord.” As explained by the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, no cause nor cure has yet been found.



Busy Bees Packaging gives back!
It was our first time taking part in the Total Bouette event. Our staff at Abeilles Busy Bees is made up of generous people who wish to contribute to the community. We are always looking for new ways to make a difference!
Associate Serge Caouette also participated in the 1,000-kilometre cycling marathon, the Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie, on June 11, 12, 13 and 14, 2015. The GDPL is a charity event with a goal of contributing to the improvement of health of all Québecers, via education and research on rare diseases.
We invite you to take part as well, by making a donation to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada on their website : Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Or even better, join us for our next challenge!! Contact Andrée-Anne Houle, our marketing coordinator at 514-640-6941 ext:233 or by email at [email protected].

References :
Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie, Parmacos Machinerie team /S.N. Adrien Gagnon, https://www.legdpl.com/le-1000-km/les-equipes-inscrites/fiche-dequipe?no_equipe=154
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada,www.scleroseenplaques.ca/qc
Total Bouette Estrie, http://totalebouette.ca/

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