Packaging Trends 2020

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The 10 new packaging trends not to be missed in 2020

As your business is on the lookout for the latest news related to your area of expertise, Abeilles Busy Bees is monitoring innovation in the packaging industry!

The Abeilles Busy Bees Marketing team has scanned the web and spotted the best packaging trends for you.

We have gathered for you the 10 most fashionable trends that will affect the American and Canadian market in the year 2020.

1- Ecological and cardboard packaging

The ecological movement is booming and several alternatives to traditional containers are appearing on the market.

Consumers are ready to welcome new products that will be relevant to their values.

Seed Phytonutrients, a division of L’Oréal USA, launched its first waterproof paper bottles through their eco-brand.

As we all know, L’Oréal is a global giant which, through its decisions, greatly affects the market it serves and influences other markets.


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2- Cosmic and astrological packaging

L’apparition du mouvement ”New Age” et de l’ouverture des Milléniaux vers la spiritualité amène une opportunité de branding ciblé ”astrologie” et/ou cosmic.

L’industrie des cosmétiques et des parfums ont déjà commencé à prendre part au courant.

On peut notamment voir ici les produits de la collaboration entre Kathleen Lights (Youtubeuse) et Colour Pop.

Également, le parfum Aura de Mugler qui a un look ”alien/extraterrestre”.

We even see products normally “generic” that adapt to the current, here, BIC and their lighters with the figures of the astrological signs.


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3- Interactive packaging

Moving away from traditional packaging which emphasizes the attractiveness of the product onto the concept of interactive packaging.

We first saw this type of packaging appear on children’s cereal boxes with games, puzzles and drawings to complete.

Here, instead of creating interactivity between the packaging and the consumer, we create one between the packaging and the product.

It is therefore possible to create “seasonal” or “promotional” type packaging for special events or national holidays by temporarily changing the original design of the product or by adding elements to the original packaging.

4- Minimalist packaging

“Refined white” has always been a traditional type of packaging, but it is making a comeback in 2020 with the rise of the “minimalist” movement.

White suggests cleanliness and purity. It brings a certain feeling of peace and is a symbol of innocence. It is the minimalism of colours.

Minimalism evokes a return to the “basic necessity”, as the fundamentals of the book “Do you really need it?” by Pierre-Yves Mcsween.

Companies can therefore create that “back to essentials” effect of minimalism through the packaging of their products and the colours used.

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5- Multi-function packaging

The city of Montreal plans to invest more than $ 15M by 2020 to create 26 km of bicycle lanes.

The ease of transporting certain products will increase their “attractiveness” factor in the coming years.

McDonald’s has already understood this trend and has just launched its “McBike” menu that is easy to carry on the handlebars of the bicycle.

In other areas of “ready-to-consume”, such as alcohol, the industry could benefit from this type of convenient secondary packaging.

The disappearance of plastic bags from several grocery stores, including IGA, creates an opportunity for new types of secondary packaging that are environmentally friendly and functional.

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6- Neutral packaging

The neutral / nude packaging is once again brought forth by the minimalist movement.

Launched a few years ago by Kim Kardashian and her brand KKW cosmetics, the “nude” movement in cosmetics has gained ground and will continue to influence the world of cosmetic packaging.

The term “nude” was once used to refer to the Caucasian type white skin colour.

Following the movements of conscience and equality, this term is now used to determine the colour of the skin (regardless of the tone), nakedness and intimacy.

It can therefore be used to associate the intimate characteristics of the consumer usage of the product, or else the feeling of “back to natural” for example a makeup remover that wipes out “the mask of cosmetics”.

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7- Multi-flavor packaging

The United States market is already ahead of the Canadian market with its varied offer of different flavors for the same product.

The Canadian market is quietly moving towards a wider range of flavors for consumers.

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8- Packaging citations

Quotes and citations have always been part of our daily lives, our marketing and our email chains.

They are now displayed directly on our packaging and give customers an additional impression of choice.

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9- Wabi-Sabi packaging

“Wabi” is defined by what is “rustic simple” or “underrated beauty”. This is linked to the philosophy of minimalism.

“Sabi” translates to “imperfectly perfect”.

Through Wabi-Sabi, a Japanese term, we look for imperfection in the packaging, the unique, the artisanal aspect.

Secondary packaging can also be used to add a very “unique” or “artisanal” look and feel to a product, as in the example above.

10- Subscription kit & boxes

With the impact of the Amazon Effect, consumers have become accustomed to receiving certain products in boxes and kits.

This is an opportunity for companies to sell more products at the same time and save on transportation and storage costs.

Abeilles Busy Bees is your partner of choice when it comes to secondary packaging, kitting and diverse manual projects.



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About the Author

Chief of Marketing and Communications, Abeilles Busy Bees

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